Monday, April 26, 2010

Mission News from the Kenners!

First of all, Daniel's news is that his papers have been submitted to the Missionary Department at the church office building. When we have the call and have opened it - we will phone call, send e-mails and blog, blog blog.

Next Nathan is being tranferred to the other country in his mission - Liberia. He will be in part of the capitol which is Monrovia. His area is called Gardnersville. He will have his first African companion who is from Sierra Leone. He is a little nervous but excited for a new adventure. Expect mail to take a week longer than it did from Freetown. He sent a few pictures, the first is Elder Kenner and Sister Momo and a bunch of kids, the second is Elder Kenner with his first African haircut and the last is Elder Hilton and Elder Kenner.

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