Monday, February 4, 2008

Hello everyone,

We have had quite a lot of snow lately. I think we have shoveled enough to last a long time! We watched the funeral for President Hinckley on Saturday. It was a beautiful program. We were also very sad to hear about Grandma Great. We will surely miss her. We wanted her to be able to meet Kyle, Jessica was sad that she didn't get to. Rob was notified on Sunday that he is being awarded a District Award of Merit for Scouting. They choose 9 leaders out of about 200 each year to receive the award. We are excited for him. The award ceremony will be on February 23. He has been involved in scouting for years and has helped a lot of boys along the way. It is nice to see him be recognized for his efforts. We have had our nephew (Hal's son) Ammon here a couple of times this weekend. We haven't seen him for two and a half years (since before his mission). We also saw Brett Rigby this weekend. He was at our sacrament meeting. He looks really good and he is off of the oxygen now. He says he feels 1000% better! We got to have Kyle here too - he is growing so fast and it is fun to play with him and see his cheerful personality come out! Hope everyone has a great week!

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